A rainwater filtration systems with a quality silver-impregnated carbon will inhibit bacteria growth so having a rainwater filter will add value to your rainwater tank.
Contamination in rainwater can occur while it’s still falling. Bacteria and sediments from roofs, pipes, tanks and other runoff surfaces has to be filtered prior to consumption. Adding a quality rainwater filter can reduce/remove the nasty that might be in our rainwater.
Everyone can get their share of rainwater delivered directly to their homes. No heavy vehicles, no fuel emissions just natural delivery from above. Rainwater is widely used as it supplies most of the population worldwide.
We live on the driest continent making rainwater extremely valuable. Use rainwater and reduce water bills, organically water your plants, and many more non-drinking purposes. Window cleaning with rainwater is a great option. Rainwater lathers better and will not leave soap residue. It is believed, bathing in rainwater will soften your hair.
Get a quality rainwater tank filter system from OZ H2O.
Filter Effectively
Fine Sediments
To ensure the best quality and safe drinking water, ALWAYS replace filters within the recommended service intervals or sooner if required.
The lifespan of a cartridge is based on the quality of your water supply and usage. Service intervals may vary from area to area.
Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality.
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